

Xinhua 23 July 21 Xinhua Kyrgyz police custody of former President Kurmanbek. Bakiyev's brother, Ahmed. Bakiyev.

Kyrgyz interim government's spokesman told RIA Novosti: "The police later in 21 (Southern Kyrgyzstan) Jalalabad arrested Ahmed. Bakiyev."

The spokesman said: "Ahmed allegedly inciting recently in southern Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz and Uzbek ethnic violence between people, it was wanted."

June 10, Osh and Jalalabad region of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbek ethnic violence between people, then evolved into large-scale riots. Hundreds of people died riots, some 50 million people homeless.

Southern Kyrgyzstan Kurmanbek Bakiyev has been regarded as the sphere of influence. Kyrgyz interim government accused Bakiyev disturbances and their families are "behind."

This year in April, the Kyrgyz capital Bishkek riots. Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiyev to leave when the latter resigned. Ahmed disappeared over the same period.

Bakiyev is believed to shelter now Belarus. Kyrgyz authorities have been seeking the extradition of Bakiyev, but were refused the Belarusian side.

Bakiyev's other brother, former State Protection Secretary Zhanei Shi. Bakiyev also wanted by the Kyrgyz authorities.

Statement by the Russian News Agency,killing at least 16 dead and dozens injured., Kyrgyzstan Kurmanbek Bakiyev Police continue to search for family members at home.

(This article Source: Xinhua)

