
Office of the President of France

China Network Paris on July 21 reported that 21 cabinet meeting approved the French Minister of Labour Eric. Verte accept the French woman on the list Liliana. Betancourt cases of suspected tax evasion and other hearings.

Office of the President of France, held in the morning issued a statement after the cabinet meeting said the meeting agreed verte as witnesses related to the recent case of Betancourt's family to accept judicial hearing.

French judicial and administrative departments to accept the hearing were not disclosed verte specific date. However, according to verte lawyers estimated that the hearing will be in the "near future" was held.

According to reports, the velt will Betancourt arrested on tax evasion, his wife may be recruited by non-normal channels to work under Betancourt and Betancourt was suspected to provide campaign contributions to politicians and other pieces of matter to accept the hearing .

In mid-June, the French media for some of France's richest woman, L'Oreal Group and its successor  when the old financial controller from the secret recording dialogue. The record shows that Betancourt might as budget minister in the verte during the tax evasion. In addition, the verte also use its influence to require financial officer Betancourt Betancourt employed his wife in the hands of working.

Secret recording caused uproar in France after the exposure. Opposition demands verte resign right away, but the latter has always denied that he acts in violation of professional ethics,MBT Imara sale, and has been led by President Nicolas Sarkozy who support the ruling party.

Early July,to a strong nuclear deterrence", with the "Betancourt case" depth investigation, one worked Betancourt worked in accounting in the survey, said that Betancourt had adopted during the 2007 presidential election to Sarkozy provided verte 15 million euros in cash assistance. Sarkozy and the welter of this rumor were to be denied. Verte also on many occasions expressed the hope that the judiciary hearing as soon as their order to "help people understand the truth."

Verte, from 2007, French President Nicolas Sarkozy has been elected as budget minister, until the ruling party in the region this spring election defeat, was reappointed as Minister of Labour Party to implement Sarkozy advocated controversial opinion, but suffered reform of the retirement system. (Xinhua Peng Mengyao)

(This article Source: China Network)

